Dear Families:
I wanted to take a moment to share additional information about yesterday's events at Jaffrey Grade School. I understand that there are concerned parents, guardians, and community members that have questions. Please know that the safety of our learners is a responsibility that I take very seriously, as does the entire JGS staff. We have spent the day gathering further information and I would like to share those details with the community.
- A youth known to JGS staff was observed adjacent to the playground area. He was wearing a hood with a built-in face mask and riding a bicycle.
- Staff members approached him to address the behavior and directed him to leave school property. The youth turned and rode off, but later returned. Additional support staff was called to address the situation and monitor learner safety.
- We have received questions about whether photographs were taken on the playground. Staff members did not see any photos being taken, nor do we believe any photos have been published to social media. If you or your child have seen something online that is pertinent to this investigation, please contact me right away.
- We have also received questions asking whether the individual tried to enter the school or peer into classrooms. Again, this was not observed by any staff members.
- The staff at JGS met this morning to review our internal procedures for communication and incident response. We continue to reflect on our response and will make ongoing adjustments based on internal and external feedback.
- As part of our ongoing professional training, we met with Chief Muilenberg of the Jaffrey Police Department this afternoon. His insights will also be used to affirm or adjust procedures as needed.
- We have and will continue to be in communication with the Jaffrey Police Department. Their thorough investigation and response is ongoing. They have indicated they do not believe there was any threat to our learners’ safety.
- Our partnership with the Jaffrey Police Department includes officers maintaining a proactive presence in our school. We had an officer visit today to greet learners and support this collaboration.
The tone of our school community today was positive. Staff members are sensitive to the potential feelings and concerns of learners and we will continue to offer additional support as needed. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or our school counselor to discuss individual needs.
I am happy to schedule a meeting or phone call with anyone who would like to talk further about this event and/or overall safety planning. We value our collaboration with families and know that together we build a strong school community that helps all learners thrive.
Susan Shaw-Sarles
JGS Principal
[email protected]
(603) 532-8355 x 423