Title I is the largest federal funding program for schools. Jaffrey Grade School has had a Title I program for many years. Each year we submit a proposal to the NH Department of Education to show how we will use available funds to help students who are struggling academically. There are two types of Title I programs, targeted assistance and schoolwide. JGS offers a Title I schoolwide program. This model allows us to focus on all learners with the goal of improving achievement for everyone.
As a child goes through school, there may be times when a gap in
learning is identified. Our teaching teams include classroom
teachers, Title I teachers, special education teachers, and instructional
associates. All of these individuals play key roles in helping students
gain missing skills. Our goal is to help each student learn and achieve.
Some students will receive a Report Card Supplement for one or more trimesters of the
school year. These reports describe the additional instruction provided by intervention
teachers funded through either the Title I or Student Services budgets. Please review the
following information to learn more about how the JGS Title I program helps our students.
What is Title 1?
Title I is a federally-funded program that offers academic assistance to students in reading
and/or math. The federal government provides funding to each state. States in turn
provide funding to local schools. Amounts are determined using free and reduced lunch
data. Each year our school submits a proposal to the NH Department of Education to
show how we will use the funds to help students who are struggling academically.
Jaffrey Grade School offers a Title I school-wide program. This model allows Title I
teachers to flexibly work with students who are struggling with a particular skill. Students
can be supported for a very short time or a longer period of time as needed.
What do Title 1 programs offer?
In order to meet the needs of students, our Title I services may include:
- Additional small group instruction, either in the classroom or the Title I room
- Additional teachers working with a grade level
- Short term interventions focused on a specific skill weakness (4 - 8 weeks)
- Extra time for working on specific skills such as math facts, sight words,
phonics, etc.
- A variety of supplementary teaching methods and materials
- More individualized programs for students
- Additional teaching to supplement a student’s classroom instruction
Report Cards
Title I Schoolwide Plan
Title I Parent Involvement Policy
Title I Schoolwide Learning Compact